October 30, 2022
Thrive in the ‘05

Debuting a new route, featuring some of the most historic neighborhoods in Tucson.

This Cyclovia route was developed in partnership with the Thrive in the ‘05 initiative.

The Thrive in the ‘05 Transformation plan is a community-driven vision that ‘cultivates sustainable transformation through resiliency, reinvestment, and shared leadership.’ In Fall of 2022, Cyclovia Tucson participants had the chance to engage with new art and infrastructure on the route produced by Thrive neighborhood residents and artists. In the months before Cyclovia, Living Streets Alliance facilitated three quick-build projects that combined traffic calming treatments with murals painted on the street. These projects were implemented over three Block-Painting Parties with neighbors, sharing food, music and stories.

Learn more about traffic-calming action activities on this route.

How to get to Cyclovia

There are no upcoming events at this time.